"A girl should be two things; Classy and Fabulous" - Coco Chanel


An eccentric and of course fashion obsessed individual who goes by the name of Bea, I am 19 years old and live in Surrey. I could go on about how I have 'a passion  for fashion' yet thats so generic these days. People often ask me how I fell in love with the fashion industry and well..it never used to interest me, in fact I HATED shopping (shock horror...genuine gasp). I mean you only have to look at the skorts I used to wear when I was about twelve and almost suffocate...they were beyond putrid looking back - how dare my mother let me wear them!

 Anyway, to cut a long story short I was invited as a guest along to London Fashion Week back in February 2008 at the age of 14; I was exposed to a whole new world by which I become engrossed by and in some ways it swallowed me up. I began watching Fashion TV on replay (my mother and sister thought I was rather boring). I then went on to study fashion design...not my thing and so I began doing what I love, writing and more importantly writing about what I love - Fashion.

 Therefore when I was 18 I founded Bea Fashionista, a fashion and beauty blog allowing me to blog about fashion related parties, exhibitions, news, style and anything fashionista. I also tend to dabble into the beauty world from time to time as I am also a beauty fanatic. 

I tend to be sarcastic at times, it's only a bit of light-hearted fun so just take it with a pinch of salt.

So thats me, I hope you enjoy my blog!

Bea Rose Caplan {x}

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